“There were so many irrational things that we couldn’t understand even after our debut,” Haerin said in a surprising live broadcast of NewJeans on a newly made YouTube account rather than the official account on the 11th. This statement is related to the trainee videos of NewJeans, which were released by Dispatch in July.
“Our private data such as video clips and medical records of when we were trainees were released. We were really surprised when we first saw it,” Haerin said. “I couldn’t understand why a company that needs to protect us exposed such data rather than protecting it.”

“Of course, we have no choice but to feel worried that strange data and false facts could spread in the future,” she said. “We have raised issues with our parents and CEO Min, but HYBE has not solved it and there has been no active action. In the meantime, the CEO was dismissed and we are at a loss as to who we should trust and rely on in the future.”
Earlier, on the 27th of last month, ADOR dismissed former CEO Min Hee-jin and appointed Kim Joo-young as the new CEO. ADOR said that even though former CEO Min steps down, she will remain in charge of producing NewJeans and maintain her position as an in-house director, but former CEO Min protested, saying that she was unilaterally notified of her dismissal by the company and that the contents of the business commission contract that proposed her to take charge of production were also unreasonable.